Special issue: Responsible writing in science

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In tro duc tion: Tour niquet due ve nous sta sis can al ter bo th con cen tra tion and/or ac ti vi ty of se ve ral blood ana lytes, but is ra re ly re gar ded as an is sue of la bo ra to ry va ria bi li ty. To over co me the prob lem tran sil lu mi na tion de vi ces (TD) ha ve been pro po sed for a sta si s-free phle bo to my. In this pa per the use of a TD in pla ce of tour niquet du ri ng blood col lec tion has been eva lua ted. Ma te ria ls and met ho ds: Blood was col lec ted from 250 vo lun tee rs di vi ded in fi ve ho mo ge nous grou ps of tour niquet ti mes (G1: 30 sec, G2: 60 sec, G3: 90 sec, G4: 120 sec, G5: 180 sec) and com pa red to blood ob tai ned usi ng TD. All sam ples we re ana lyzed for glu co se (GLU), total pro tein (TP), albumin (ALB), trig lyce ri des (TRIG), potas sium (K), sodium (NA), phos pha te (PHOS), cal cium (CA), alka li ne phos pha ta se (ALKP) and mag ne sium (MG). Re sul ts: In res pe ct of TD, G1 did not show sta tis ti cal ly sig ni fi ca nt in crea ses in all cli ni cal che mis try tes ts; G2 showed in crea ses for GLU, TP, ALB, TRIG, K, CA, MG and ALKP. G3 and G4, showed no sig ni fi ca nt in crea se on ly for PHOS. G5 showed sig ni fi ca nt in crea ses in all the tes ts eva lua ted. Mo reo ver, cli ni cal ly sig ni fi ca nt va ria tio ns we re ob ser ved for TP, ALB, K and CA in G2 to G5; for NA in G3 to G5; for MG in G4 and G5; for GLU, TRIG, ALKP on ly in G5. Con clu sio ns: The se re sul ts sup po rt the ap pli ca tion of TD in blood col lec tion for rou ti ne cli ni cal che mis try la bo ra to ry tes ts, sug ges ti ng its use shou ld be mo re diff u sed. Key wor ds: phle bo to my and blood col lec tion; pre ana lyti cal pha se; qua li ty ma na ge me nt system in cli ni cal la bo ra to ry; tran sil lu mi na tion; ve nous sta sis.

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منابع مشابه

Special issue: Responsible writing in science

All types of manuscripts should contain an abstract. An abstract of 250 words maximum should be provided on a separate page in the Manuscript file (abstract only, without authors and affiliation). The abstract of an original article should be structured into four headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. For other article types, abstracts do not have to be structu...

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Special issue: Responsible writing in science

Evidence indicates that plagiarism amongst biomedical students is fairly common (1-3). Because the oH enses in question usually involve academic assignments, they are typically classiL ed as instances of academic dishonesty. Such transgressions can result in negative consequences for the student and these can range from failure for the assignment to expulsion from the university. When plagiaris...

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Special issue: Responsible writing in science

©Copyright by Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received...

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Special issue: Responsible writing in science

©Copyright by Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. http://d...

متن کامل

Responsible authorship and peer review.

In this article the basic principles of responsible authorship and peer review are surveyed, with special emphasis on (a) guidelines for refereeing archival journal articles and proposals; and (b) how these guidelines should be taken into account at all stages of writing.

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Special issue: Responsible writing in science

Platelet satellitism (PS) is a rare phenomenon observed in blood smears obtained from blood anticoagulated with EDTA. It is characterised by platelet rosetting around polymorphonuclear neutrophils and in rare cases around other blood cells. PS is a rare cause of pseudothrombocytopenia. References about the phenomenon of PS in medical literature are few. In this report we describe a case of PS f...

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تاریخ انتشار 2011